Sunday, October 19, 2014


So much fun!
Well... this week has been so amazing! You know.. this area was so
unprogressing and so hard when I got here. And don't get me wrong.. it
is still hard, and challenging, but as the days go by and as hard as
we work.. we are seeing the miracles just flow in!

This week we had 24 investigators at church. I have NEVER once in my
mission had that many at church... It was so fulfilling to know that
all my sweat, pain, heartache isn't just for nothing. Heavenly father
has really answered the prayers of my companion and I and has been
softening the hearts of the people here.

We had a wonderful baptismal  service on saturday for 3 of our
investigators. They were so ready and willing. Even though their
testimonies are still little, and they don't really know all the ways
of a member of the church, they are just glowing with the spirit! The
two moms were so excited that they FORGOT to eat the day of their
baptism. But they said that it was okay, because they were finally
baptized as members of the only true church. Sister Anjoilta bore her
testimony and said that Here, in our church, is where she found who
she really was. THat she was a daughter of heavenly father. The spirit
was so strong!

It feels so good to know that Heavenly father is aware of the
challenges here, and is always willing to help. Just like he can in
your life.

I love youall so much! have a great week!
Love, your sister missionary,
Sister Young

We decided to have a little fun while walking to one of our really far
out areas! (:


The Ocean

Investigators... future missionary force!

So These are some of the 24 investigators we had at church yesterday!
These are some of the boys in BRGY 5 that are so hungry for the
gospel, they brought their friends, and they read the book of mormon
all the time, and they are just amazing. The branch didn't know what
to think when they all showed up at church... (: Blessings and




The baptism of 3 of our amazing investigators!!!! (: such a special
day. The Women are sisters, and the daughter of one of them got
baptized too.

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