Sunday, March 9, 2014

Kalayo= Fire

Hello.. So, this week I saw a house burn down. We were teaching one of my favorite little investigators and we looked off into the distance cause this bug huge black ball of fire shot up into the sky... but we didn't think much of it because right now they are burning all the campo fields. like you burn the grass at home... anyways. and then we started walking back to civilization and realized it was a house... in the same spot where we had just came from prior to our lesson with the little girl. so we ran to go see if the investigators that we just taught were okay...
They were fine, and it was the house next to them... there was no one inside. What happened was the couple that lived there left to go to silay and they forgot to turn off the gas to the stove... and BOOM. it took like 7 minutes to burn the whole thing.. all that is left is the cement structure.. and the two cooked pigs out back(: haha. 

It was crazy! and then on our way home all of the fields were on fire... my companion said that she felt like she was coming out of.. yeah. anyways. It was crazy. we were so blessed.. we had seriously JUST been next door to the burn house and when we walked passed them we said hi and then FIRE! so crazy. 

That is one of many blessings this week! 

Lolo, one of our recent converts, couldn't read the book of mormon because he didn't have glasses and he finally got glasses! SO now he reads and he is really doing good. Brother Chris...who is actually Brother Rix we found out.. came to church last week and this week! He is really progressing! But he is still having a hard time praying. He wants to know why there are so many churches and what they gain from making a new church... so we taught about the great apostasy... and told him to read 1 nephi 13... so we will see. 

We have this less active family in our ward. The boy is active and wants to serve a mission, the mom is the relief society councelor and she is in the process of returning and the dad hasn't been to church in a long time. we went and visited them on wednesday and we started the dad to read the book of mormon and then he came to church yesterday!!!!! It was so amazing! The boy was so happy he looked like he was going to cry! I had to talk yesterday in sacrament so I got to see them all sitting there as a family again. after chruch we took a picture. It was so happy... I shook the boys hand and he just said, "salamat, Sister Young." with a smile and I knew how happy he was. I know how it feels... and I almost cried too.

I love it here. Missionary work is the best.. I get to help bring families back together.. I get to help them prepare for the celestial kingdom together! what a blessing!!!

1 nephi 4:6

Love, your sister missionary,
Sister Young

 The Jemora family(:
 Me and a ward missionary
 ANd the cute little tambok boys(:hahah

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