Sunday, February 23, 2014

Mmm... Manok tiil.

Just to let you all know, I hit my 8 month mark this past week!!!!!

Ya hoo!! We didn't have a very successful day that day, but Funny sorry... We were at one of our recent convert's and the daughter was looking at pictures and telling us what they were... and then my companion pointed at me and asked her who I was.. and she said, "Jesus Christ." hahah. I guess I really am a representative of Him... Really, though, It taught me a very good lesson. Sometimes, Just somtimes, I forget who I am and who I represent. It is one of my goals to always reflect the Savior, and to have people see Him in my countenance. Maybe I really was reflecting Him... or maybe she was just confused because I am so shinny white, I don't know. But, I do know that I want everyone to say that about me.
On Thursday we had Mission Presidents Training. We learned how to better teach the Commandments in lesson4 of Preach My Gospel. It was such a good boost. We also had ice cream... which is always a bonus. (:

Later that day we went to one of my favorite areas. Aidsisaw. We have a lot of great investigators there! And remember me talking about how my companion ate a Manok tiil.. or chicken foot? 

Yeah well guess who ate one, too? Yeah, ME!!! Go me! It was sooooo gross. I never want to eat another one again. There are like the nail and bones and cartalage... i don't know how to spell that and skin. and you just eat it all. It was EW!!! I took pictures. They look gross... on purpose cause it was gross. But now I can check that off my list of things to be done only in the PHilippines! 

If I were to give any of you advise, I would say don't eat it. 

Yesterday at church we had 9 less actives come to church!!! It was so great to see our hard work pay off. Now if only we could get some of our investigators to church.... thats the trick! But, I figure that if we get the less actives active again then our investigators will have people to bring them to chruch and sit by them and be their friends... right?

I am so thankful for the scriptures. Yesterday in church one of the speakers talked on how the trials and problems that are talked about in the book of mormon are the same trials and problems that we are having here. He also said that the book of mormon lays out the solution to their problems, so it also lays out the path of solution for the problems of today. IF we appy what we learn to our lives. It was so inspired! 

It is true that the book of mormon answers all of our questions. Through the words and also through personal revelation. That is why it is so important to prayerfully read the book of mormon and then PONDER, That is often a step that is looked over, and that is when magbaton kita sang sabat. I am so much thankful for the scriptures. 

Well, That is all for this week. I love you all and hope you have a fantastic week! You are all in my prayers!

Love, Your sister missionary,
Sister Young

these kids crack me up!

This is a picture of pee.. yes. I got peed on again yesterday... seriously.. its so gross.

And My snail family!!! (: haha


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