Sunday, January 19, 2014


So hello everyone. Just to let you all know I was transferred at transferrs last week.... I am now in Silay East ward... which feels like I am out in the middle of the jungle. It is so far away from everything!!! But, its okay. I have a new companion that I am follow-up tranining. Her name is Sister Delos Santos and speaks NO ENGLISH, and no Hiligaynon either... just tagalog. So, its kinda a challenge for me. I can for the most part understand what she is saying, its like the gift of interpretations... but when I speak, she can't understand me. It is hard. But, it will get better.
One of the hardest things is that even though I speak Hiligaynon,... my companion still speaks better tagalog and that is the national language so in lessons she dominates, which is great because she is a good teacher, but makes me feel like I am being trained all over again. Eventually we will create balance.(: so all is well
SO in my new jungle area.... one of our farthest area is 26 kilometers takes about 2 hours to get there on a crowded jeepney on the worst road ever!!! And we get there and have about 15 minutes to teach and then have to literally JUMP out of the house that we are teacching in and catch the jeepney again because if not we have to walk all the way back, in the pouring rain!!! hahaha it is great! anbd it is so beautiful out there. I took a picture.
We had a baptism this week. Lolo carling, he is really old and when he bore his testimony at the baptism, at the end he looked at all of us and in a really stern voice committed everyone to get closer to God. and the said, "I'm done" in english and walked off. haha it was so funny. Everyone started laughing. (: I love silly people.
I got a package from Dad, AUnt traci and grandma young this week. It was full of candy and junk food, just like I asked for, and Sister Delos Santos told me as she was histerically laughing.... "that is all the the americans get in packages is candy." hahah. It is so true too. haha
This week has been kinda challenging just getting used to all the changes and stuff, but I have really got learned so alot of patience. I don't think I would have been able to handle this situation as well as I have if I haden t been studying patience all this month. I am so thankful that I prayerfully made goals, because it really has helped me. (:

Also, one of my companions dreams in life I got to help her check off her list... it was to see and touch snow. And in the christmas package from Uncle brent and Aunt chris they sent me instant snow.... You should have seen how happy she was.. it was like a little kid.. she was so cute.! and told me to tell you thank you!
I love you all, and I am having a blast in my new area, even though I have to get used to everyone looking at me and touching me again. (: it is a great opportunity to share the gospel and wow people with my aweosme language skills! (: haha
Love, your sister Missionary,
Sister Young

 Me and Sister Delos Santos(: This was taken today. ahha, SOrry I look so crazy!

The skeleton that I found last night in our house.... YUCK

 The baptism. The picture with the gate is where the baptismal font is... and that is our chapel...

My companion playing with the instant snow(: thank you uncle brent and anunt chris

My last day in Bacolod 1st ward

Grandma says i lost my baby face, what do you think? hahaha I love you all!

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