Sunday, January 12, 2014

Its seriously winter in the Philippines!

Hi family and friends,

This week I have had to wear a sweater/cardigan thing this whole week because it is so chilly. The water from the rain is so cold and the air is really cold! Some members said there is another typhoon coming? I don't really now, but I am so happy for this kind of weather... but it breaks my heart to see how cold the little Filippino people get. They are so not used to this, and have not the clothes to be comfortable.. anyways, there is a lot of sickness in this part of the world right now. 

Last monday, we went to go teach Brother Jon jon, but he punted us... I was so sad, he has never done that. But we got to contact a family of one of our recent converts, and they are so prepared!!! They are the Rosalita family. THe little boys have come to church a couple of times with the RC, but we have not contacted them before because tehy are always busy and we didnt' know where they lived. But this was such a special night. My companion and I had been praying to find new investigators for all week becuase we are having slow work right now. ANd this was the answer to our prayers!

The rosalita family, The dad, Jessi, lost his leg in an accident a couple of years ago, but as I sat in their little rat and cocharoach infested house and taught them about the gospel and laughed and joked with them in Hiligaynon, I and my companion have never felt the spirit so strongly. It was amazing. They have one little square table in their home, and I couldn't help but imagine that in just a few weeks we would all be sitting around that table having scripture study together.... It was amazing. We commited them to baptism on February 22, Pray for them. 

And we also got 21 new investigators this week... it was amaznig. 

This week... I kinda had a hard time. I'm better now after my companion and I talked about it and I prayed really really hard... but it was so hard.

I have struggled with feeling so alone. I don't ever remember in my life feeling as lonely as I did this week... it was so hard. I'm on a mission and I have to be with someone for 24 hours a day 8 days a week!!! I am the closest I have ever been to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ... how was I feeling so alone? It was such a struggle for me..... I was quiet so much and I closed up to my was terrible. But at companionship inventory... where you are forced to talk to your companion... I opened up and talked to her about it. It was hard, but I felt so much love from her, and from God... I'm not alone, even though I sometimes feeli like it.

Yesterday in sacrament meeting THe youth just got home from a temple trip and they all bore their testimonies,... they all have such good strong testimonies of the made me think of how much I miss the temple and how excited I am to go back!

I love this Missionary work. It brings me so much joy in my life. Even though I still have struggles and trials and i feel lonely somethimes.... its all okay IF i truct in my father in heaven. I promise if you do it too... you will be belssed and protected!

I love you all.. and Kaela, if you are reading this, I love you and I am praying for you(: 

Love, your sister Missionary,
Sister Young
THis is Balute. THe chickin in the egg... it looked so gross I can't even tell you... YUCK!

Sister Orlila, the one who sews.. like mom(;

Me and my companion's name tags(:

And the nasty cockaroach that we found in our apartment this morning... taken exclusively for Eliza Jane.

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