Sunday, October 20, 2013


 hhheeeelllllooooo!!!! This week has been so crazy!! Let me start off first by telling everyone that I DID feel the earth quakes, but we are fine. Nothing terrible happened here, that I know of... I'm kinda in a bubble.  I'll tell you the story. (:   So it happened on tuesday morning. The next day was Mission tour and we had other missionaries coming to our house to stay at 5 pm so we decided to go out procelyting that morning. on our way waslking out of our house place, we found a really cool plant that when you touch it it closes, so we were playing with it. Then I felt really dizzy, and I just thought that was normal.. but then my Companion said, "why is it so hard to touch it?" then we both stood up, and She said" oh my gosh, an earth quake!!" then we both knelt down in the middle of the road, and held each others hands. we looked around and there was people staring at us, and the building that is by us was moving... then sister bitter assured me that we were in the middle of the road, that we were safe! haha, it lasted about 40 ish seconds. it was sooo weird!!! then we just went about our day. no worries. we got back to our house and were doing studies, and then the house started shaking again. another one was happening. haha. sister bitter was scared. I was like "woohooo this is so cool!!!!! look at the picture on the wall, its moving!!!!(: " haha, then it stopped, and about 5 minutes later another one happened. they didn't last very long. but it was so cool.
    that night,i had a plan that if there was one while we were sleeping i would grab my companion and stand in our door frame, and wake the other companionship up and have them stand in the other door. cause that is waht you are supposed to do, right? I don't know. but it never happened. so Its okay.

so last week I told you about Sister Maribel and how she couldn't get baptized yet... Well, she had another interview on wednesday, and she had successfullly gone through the repentance process and now she was ready to be ba[tized!!! So on saturday, she was baptized. I am so happy for her! She is finally clean after al these years!! She has such a strong testimony, and such a great example to her family. We are actually teaching them now.  I am so exc ited!!!

We had Mission tour this week. Elder Neilson and his wife came and spoke to us and trained us. It was way cool. The spirit was so strong, and you could tell that he was a man called of god. It was so inspiring.

 Last week we contacted a less active member. Her Name is sister Rosaleah. We taught her and her house help and her friend. (they now have baptisim dates and came to church yesterday!!!)  She invted us over for dinner last week, she is such a good cook!! and then last night she invited us over again for dinner. Her and her husband are both less active, but their son is active and turning in his mission papers soon! So we felt impressed to encourage them to prepare themselves for the temple so they can go through with their son.  It was a powerful lesson. I was so blown away by how stong the spirit was.

Sister Rosaleah, she is special. I feel a connection to her and I don't know why. She is such a great lady! We took pictures, I'll hvae to send them home. She is great! If I ever come back, I am going to her house!! I love her so much.

So today is the day that we figure out whether or not we are being transfered. I am scared. I don't want to be transferred. I like my companion we get along so great and we ahve awesome companionshiop unity, and i love my area, and the people in it! We have another baptism this week, and I want to be there for it! Ugh, it is so sad...... maybe we wont get a call though(: that would make me happy. haha

OH! we also had another Less active that we ahve been working with since we got into this area come to church yesterday! Brother Oscar. He is cool. He is really tall for a filippino. and speaks tagalog, so i can't understand him., but.... its okay. (:

Wow, The work here is really progressing. I love it here. Oh, so funny story before I leave, last P-day, we walked outside right after I finished emailing, and it was like we were walking through a hurricane!!! there was soooooomuch rain, and we just walked down the street and we were both SOAKED!! even with our umbrellas.... it was insane!!!!  but it was awesome. ITs so much funner in the philippines!

Well I love you all. I pray for you all the time. And in Ilonggo even!!(: haha. I hope that you are all doing okay, and writing me letters and stuff, (:

Love, your sister Missionary,
Sister Young

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