Sunday, October 27, 2013

No transfers!

Hello family!
How is everyone this week? I am doing good!! Me and sister Bitter are still companions so everything is great! I really love her so much. She has such a great testimony of this gospel, and she loves everyone that we meet, and they all love her. I learn so much from her about how to be a better missionary, and how to become a better person all together. She is great! I can't wait until you all can meet her. She is amazing. (:
So This week we had one of our best ward missionaries leave for her mission, the manila mission. She was such a great friend and she is going to be such a great missionary! I am going to miss her sooooo much! at her farewell, she asked me to play the violin. So i did. It was so terrible. haha, i am so rusty. But she said it was good still.
We had a baptism this past Saturday. Brother Rizalino was baptized!! He is going to be such a strong member of the church. He has been so happy since saturday. when he bore his testimony he was so happy he said, " finally i have accepted to be baptized. now i can finally enter into the celestial kingdom with my heavenly father, I get to meet heavenly father and see my wife again." how sweet and powerful. It was truely amazing.
Sorry I don't have much to share this week. But I just want to tell you all how much blessed I am. SO much am I blessed! I get to be here, in the philippines sharing the gospel to people that are so ready to hear and change to come closer to christ. They are so humble and so teachable. These people are a living testimony to me that change is possible, that God lives and loves all his children. The Atonement is real, it has real power to change people. It gives people hope, and comfort, and the strength they need to overcome addictions. The gospel blessed families, it blesses lives.
I am so thankful that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am so much blessed to be a missionary, a representitive of Jesus Christ. I am so much thankful for all the support that is givin to me from home. from all you that are reading this. I feel the comfort from your prayers to me.
Stay strong in the faith, stay active in chruch, don't be afraid of returning to church if you haven't been in a while. Just do all the things you need to do to keep the commandments! Yesterday in a lesson we were teaching an one of our investigators that has a problem with the word of wisdom... we taught about the 10 commandmnents and I promised her that if she came to church that her desire to use those things would be gone. and I know that is true. Liveing the commandments strengthens every aspect of your life. I promise you this.
I love you all, so much!
Love, your sister missionary,
Sister Young(:

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