Sunday, September 22, 2013

rain, rain, rain

Sister Young & Sister Bitter
Most random meal ever. and this is what happens on a regular basis... spaghetti, pizza, chicken, and rice. (:

Alright, so the shift button doesn't work all the time, so if my grammer stinks....well its cause the key board. totally. not because i'm trying to learn another language or something....

remember my first investigator? brother rex? he got baptized yesterday and also brother noynoy the one who walked after not walking for three years. they both were baptized yesterday. I was not able to go becaue I am not in that area anymnore. i was so sad, but i will see them again, one day. 

i found out that what was hurting my stomach was the water. not because it is not good but because i'm not used to the minerals are are in it. so i just have to buy distilled drinking water. hey, at least it tastes good!!(:

So, it has been raining soooooo much here! for all through the days ans all through the nights. just pours rain down. its fun, until we get soaked and we still have to procelyte... just kidding, its still fun cause everything is more fun in the Philippines. 

The other night, we were walking to our last appointment and this really tall really white american walked really fast by us. sister bitter and i just both stopped and then said, "did that really just happen?" so then for the next 7 minutes we chased him down and started to talk to him. we found out that he is actually a member and is inactive. and is here visiting his grandpa... yeah, and he is a runner or something. so thats weird. we invited him to church, but he didn't come. it was seriously one of the weirdest things that i have seen here. 

This week we got 10 investigators with baptisim dates!! there are two, well actually four that plan on marrying each other on december 1 and then getting baptized on december 25!!! it is so cool. we get to plan two weddings and then their baptisima1 I love how people are so willing to accept the gospel here. they are so humble and willing to follow what the savior would have them do!

This is our weekly baptisim chart. aren't we so crafty?
I came across a scripture the other day in personal study. it is in alma 37. its talking about the liahona and how it is a guide. it starts in verse 38 to 45. i love the promise that we get in verse 45. read it and then write me and tell me what you think(: I love the scriptures, they are sersiouldy so amazing. 

I am so blessed kag privledged to be here as a full time missionary to serve my heavenly father and Jesucristio. We are so blessed as members of the church to have the knowledge we do of eternal families and the plan of salvation. how great is it that we know that we can live forever with our families and live in the presence of our father in heaven. what a great blessing!!

Family, I love this gospel, and I love being here. I can tell that i am doing more good here than I would be doing at home. even though I miss all of yoiu so much!

i love you all, keep being awesome and writing me(:

love, your sister missionary,

 Sister Young

this is some pictures of a frog imprint in the concrete.

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