Sunday, September 29, 2013


I can't believe that September is over!? You know that song, "wake me up when september ends"? well... I blinked and I missed it. SO.... yeah. Its crazy how time flies when you are having fun and serving the lord!

Christmas started here in September. Philippinos put their decorations up on September 1. and start singing christmas songs too. Its way fun. They call September to December "BER- months" and because it doesn't get cold her thats all the Burrr we get. haha. 

So, here in the Philippines we have two seasons. Rainy season and hot season. Which during both of the "seasons" it rains and it is hot. I can't tell, but supposedly we are in the rainy season right now. I miss being cold. With it cooling down in america right now I bet you are all getting out your coats and stuff huh. hahahah, coats, thats funny.

The other day while we were procelyting, my companion and I forgot our water bottles, well, we left them at home cause our bags were so heavy, so we stopped at a tyungy (prounoucded chungy) to get water. It was rather funny what they gave us. A bag of ice. and that was what we drank! haha, it was cool, but my hands got cold. 

The other day, one of our members has a violin and she let me play it. It was so nice!! I am already getting rusty though!! I'm not okay with that. But, I think they are going to have me play in sacrament meeting so i'll have to practice and get good again. I miss my violin. (I hope you are playing it Aunt Kim!!)

Yesterday at church there was a brown out. Meaning that they shut the power off to save energy cause they dont have enough to last or somehting. anyways, it was sooooooo hot! and someone went and got pictures of the Cebu temple and handed them out so they could fan themselves(: haha, I thought it was funny. At least everyone has a picture of the temple now!

Also, we had madamo mga investagators at chruch yesterday!! 10! It was so awesome, and we had 7 recent convertys! But, sadly, we have one recent convert who when we first got into the area he was so excited about missionary wok and he wanted all of his friends to listen to us and he was reading the book of mormon everyday! but, in the last couple of weeks, he has really changed. He has been having bible study and has stopped reading his book of mormon. We believe in the bible, but we cannot set aside the book of mormon to read the bible. That is what he has done and now his testimony is really week. this sunday he attended a different church, and his whole countance has changed for the bad because he has stopped reading his book of mormon. READ YOUR BOOK OF MORMON. gain a testimony of the book of mormon. pray to know it is true every time you read it. Don't let yourself not read it. It is devistating. My companion and I cried when we found out that he was attending anotyher church and when we found out that he doesn't believe joseph smith was a true prophet. I feel so much sorrow for him. I just want him to have the testimony that he once had.... The book of mormon is central in conversion. in LASTING convertsion.! I believe the bible to be true as long as it is translated correctly, and I also believe that you should read the book of mormon and the bible togetyher. They testify of each other and of Jesus Christ. Please, I am begging you all to read the book of mormon everyday. even if you just read dyutay lang. Just one verse a day and pray about it. Please.... The book of mormon will change your life for the better, it will make your day run so much smoother. it will bless your family. it has the power to convert you unto the Lord. Please, please, read it. 

Family, friends, strangers, whoever reads this, please read the book of mormon if you want to change your life. If you want to have a better relationship with your family, if you want to have better days, if you are feeling lonely or sad or down, if you feel like you don't have purpose, if you are looking for the truth, PLEASE. I am pleading with you with all the energy of my heart, read the book of mormon and pray about it with a sincere heart, and I promise you that you will be happier. that our loving Heavenly Father will shower you with blessings as you keep his commandments and read his words. I know that the book of mormon is truely the words of god. That they have power. that it is the most true book on the earth. I have seen, first hands, the difference in people when they read the book of mormon and when they don't. Just try it. Please.

This has been a good week, we taught a lot of lessons, and we have been preparing lots of investigators for baptisim! I love to help people. I love to watch the gospel bless their lives! It is truely a miracle! 

I love you all.
Love, your sister missionary,
Sister Young

P.S. I got letters from Grandma Young and Dad and Aunt Chris. Thank you all so much. ANd I got a dear elder from CC(: I love to hear from you all so don't stop!

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