Sunday, November 24, 2013

Senior Companion . . . . I am so not ready

 These are the last of the pictures with my and Sister Bitter.. such a bitter sweet time(: hahahhahah Bitter..

I got a christmas package tht was aweosme from grandpa and cc!!! THank you so much!!! in one of the pictures the barbie ran into the tree... look familiar? haha that wasn't planned.. it just kinda happened.!!! (: hahahahha

I really wanted to cook brownies... so I cooked them in the toaster oven... they burnt, so I tried the rice cooker. it worked better(: hahahha 

The baptism of Sister Lynlyn(: and our special guests, President and Sister Lopez!!! (: and My new companion Sister Doud!

 Well hello everyone!!! As you all know, thanks to our super efficient facebooking president you all know that I have a new companion and that i'm the senior companion. And wowza... I am so not ready!! I was praying that I wouldn't be a senior companion until like 4 transfers in ... well... that didn'[t come true. Being a senior companion is hard... all the the responsibility falls onto your shoulders and it is crazy how much you actually have to talk to the people... which stinks because I stink at Ilonggo... ANYWAYS, Heavenly father wants me to learn something that can't wait... so I'll just take whatever he throws at me. hahahhaha. get it?
My new Companion is Sister Doud! She is from Utah, and we were actually at the MTC together, she is 2 weeks older than me in the mission. We never MET at the MTC, but I remember seeing her, cause her class room was across the hall. Its so crazy how she is like here now.. She was one of the lucky ones that didn't have to see all the crazy stuff that was happening in Tacloban. Her area was way north, thank goodness.  

so its been kinda a rough week... I have only worked one day because my companion tripped and skinned her leg and refuses to work. SO.... I've just been staying inside all week. I'm going crazy!!! I think I"m supposed to learn Patience or something. hahah So i've been studying it really alot so I can learn it already! (: haha. But I think my companion is having a kinda hard time adjusting to our mission. compared to her mission, our mission is really really strict. one of them said that their mission was a telestial mission and ours is a celestial mission.... that is really sad, but i have really come to love the fact that we hvae rules and we are all exactly obedient. In the back of my mind i think that taht is why Bacolod was saved from the typhoon. (: but really though. Just pray for my companion... she needs all the prayers she can get right now. I am constantly praying for her.

Sister Lynlyn was baptized on saturday! I sent pictures! She was so happy!!!!!!! I was so happy. She was so ready. I love the desire in people when they have felt the spirit  and they want to follow Jesus Christ. it is so amazing. 

I got Grandpa and Cc's christmas package!!! It was awesome. I had been praying all day that I would get something in the mail, and I did!!! I got a package, 2 letters from aunt chris, and another package of letters. it was AWESOME!! I decorated my desk right away with the manger scene! it looks so good! Thank you so much! ANd the Mild sauce!!! Seriously,,, this is so gross but i opened like 2 of the sauce packets and just drank the sauce.... it was so good!!! hahhahahahahha(: you know me!

well, that is all for this week. I know its short, and kinda spaced out... but... (: I am just learning a lot about lots of things(: hahah

I love you all,
love, your sister missionary,
Sister Young

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