Sunday, August 11, 2013

Week Two in the Philippines! Everything is better in the Philippines!

Wow there is so much to tell you about this week!! So on tuesday we went to one of our areas and we were trying to contact a family and when we saw that they werent there we asked someone if they knew where another family lived. A young man came up to us and said that he would take us. as we were walking he asked us what our names were so we told him and then asked what his name was. He said "brother Rex" so we thought oh, he might be a member so we asked and he said no... but because we introduced ourselves as "sister" he thought he would say "brother" haha. anyways so we get to the less active's house and Brother Rex stayed and listened to the lesson... infact, he even prayed the opening prayer!! It was a beautiful prayer. We taught him, and the less active member that was all spacing out the doctrine of christ and we felt inspired to ask him to be baptized.. he ACCEPTED!! so his baptism date is september 14. how amazing. then we gave him the lesson one pamphlet and told him we would be back to teach him in 2 days. when we got back to him he had read the whole pamphlet and wanted to know so much more. he said that his favorite section was the prayer part and he said that he prayed about our message and he knows in his heart that it is true!! as we were teaching him later in that appointment, we got to the restoration and he started crying as we recited the first vision. the spirit was so strong!! we gave him a book of mormon and intived him to read the introduction and we would be back in 2 days. We all kneeled in prayer on the dirt floor, and he said a beautiful prayer straight from his heart. we went back on saturday, taught him more about the book of mormon and before we could talk about the holy ghost, he explained to us what the holy ghost is and how he feels it everythime he reads and when we teach him. We invited him to come to our english class that we teach at the church at 4 on sundays, and he came, and LOVED it! we also invited him to come to church the next day... but the next day came and it was raining... and in the philippines if it is raining people dont really go outside so we wwnt to the place we told him we would meet so we could walk to the church together...but he never showed up. so we took a jeepney to the church. I was so sad... then when we got to the church... he was there!! he said that he came early cause of the rain. wow... I was just so happy!! so as we teach him and prepare him more for his baptism, i'll let you know!
Our other investigator that we aquired, Brother robertino, is gettin baptized on sunday! I'll send pictures next week. 

so, funny story..well actually kinda creepy.. but my companion and I were walking back to our areas after english class and all of a sudden a man pulls over and rolls down his window and asked my companion what MY name was.. she told him. and then he asked for my number...she said no cause we are missionaries, then he got all mad and started pointing at me and looking at me and said "but I want her! I like her!" it was so creepy... so we walked away really fast... thankfully he turned around. That day I was so paranoid. I'm going to get kidnapped.

Doing Laundry
People here think that we are so beautiful... and they always tell us.. and then I get home and look in the mirror...and I'm like... what in the world are they thinkin??? haha no make up, my hair is all crazy, and I'm usually wet from either the rain... or sweat. Its weird. Yesterday after church we had a lunch appointment so we went and the 2nd councellor to the bishop came up to me and said, "Sister Young, is your birthday March 9th?" I looked at him all weird.. and said... no, guess again? then he said," oh I was jsut wondering cause Barbies birthday is March 9th" hahahahahahhaha apparently I look like barbie... his wife told him while we were eating that I looked like a barbie... so apparently barbie has gained like 5000 pounds and has curly hair... (: haha 

All the children love me here. we were teaching a lesson to Brother Noynoy, andother investigator, and his grandchildren were rubbing their hands on my legs.... its a good think that I shaved!! hahahah

Here in the philippines, sacrament meeting is last... and we never end on time.. or start on time for that matter.. so church starts at 9... but we dont actually start until 9:30.. adn ends at 12.. but we don't end till almost 1 sometimes. its crazy. and If the bishop doesn't want to wear a tie... he doesn't. haha it is so crazy here(: I love it!

So.... spiders here are the size of my head... we were teaching on wednesday i think it was and i look at the wall of this one family's and there was this GIANT spoder!! and I freaked our a little,... and then I focused on the lesson then I looked back to where it was.. and it was GONE!! talk about paranoid!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHH

My Companion and I

Oh, the Philippines is such a great place.. seriously, I love it!! The people are all miniature, they all look the same, and think I look like barbie.. I mean, how mcuh better could it get? haha(:

Work with your wards and work with the missionaries... it will bring you so much happiness and blessings!!!  I promise you. I love this gospel, this work... it is so rewarding to see the changes in people, and to see how REAL this gospel is and how it is for everyone!!

I love you all, and I am hoping that You are all missing me too.... (: you better be!!! haha. 

Make sure you are all writing me letters and stuff! 

Until next week... 

have a great week!(: love you!

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